

No time, no axis,
No more space time framework,
One single unity : her.

Her body in motion,
Her soul in transparency,
Invest on her, in her, for her.

A fire within, as a life guide,
Marked by life, a gaping hole inside her,
As an eternal force,

She will have understood,
It will never close up again,
But she lives with it and smiles.

She tames it and with agility makes it
Her fighting strength,
Her holistic beauty,

An unalienable pain,
Where nothing is reflected,

At sunset,
And deep down within herself,
The path of wisdom,
And a thirst for the intellect.

The eternal new beginning.
04, your number as from now.
May the anonymous be covered with stars.

01. Trench-coat Justinien

02. Scarf Cosme, t-shirt Esmée, pants Avit, belt Lancelot

03. Blazer Musa, pants Avit

04. Pants Aliénor, shirt Hortense

05. Blazer Musa, shirt Horace, pants Avit

06. Blazer Ambroise, pants Augier

07. Coat Lucien, shirt Hortense, belt Honorée

08. T-shirt Esmée, culottes Charles

09. Coat Pacome, scarf Cosme

10. Bra Ali, shirt Hortense, pants Avit

11. Blazer Musa, pants Augier

12. Shirt Horace, skirt Asaph

13. Bra Ali, t-shirt Edmond

14. Coat Pacome, belt Honorée

PHOTOGRAPHIE – Charlotte Lapalus
MUSE – Laurence Desbisschop
HAIR – MAKE UP – Angelina Bergese